Why Manga?


Take a moment and think about the last movie you saw. Was there an unlikely hero taking on a powerful enemy with little chance of winning? Was it a coming of age story or a psychological thriller?

If you really think about it, odds are that the movie was one of a few types you’ve probably seen before, but with a different spin. And even if you’ve seen something like it before, you can still really enjoy the new one.

DSCN0341We might say the same about the Manga Bible. The stories contained in its pages are not new; they’ve been around for thousands of years and are well-known by a vast majority of the world. And yet, we have seen that the manga has appealed to a wide variety of cultures and people – people who may very well not have heard the Word otherwise – and have come to know Christ through reading them. Why? Because it’s God’s living, breathing Word, presented in a fresh, new way. The message is the same, but the presentation is different.


New Life Ministries partners with various organizations around the world to get the Manga Bible translated into the local heart language. “Many who have never even heard the name of Jesus,” says Roald Lidal, Chairman of New Life Ministries, “will learn of God’s wonderful plan of salvation as a result of the manga materials.”

What a privilege NLM has in doing this work from God! This is an on-going project for NLM, and we are always looking for supporters and prayer partners.

Read more on the Manga Project
To order manga for your ministry, click here for more information.

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